Wes' volunteer job at The Center for AIDS

The Center for AIDS' treatment information center is a walk-in AIDS treatment information center. The Center is a nice open space with walls lined with treatment information. (One wall has treatment information grouped by opportunistic infection.) There's also a computer linked into the Internet (see the upper-right photo, below) for people to do on-line research.

It seems that most people who drop in (other than volunteers) are sick people looking up stuff for their own use, like "What can I do for my neuropathy?" It's a really neat place.

CFA has been getting the staff (like the Treatment Information Specialist, who can help people find the information they need, and the woman who writes RITA!, a treatment information magazine) computerized. That's where Wes' talents come in. (Speaking of which, check out the handsome volunteer appreciation certificate awarded to Wes in December 1997!)

interior at The Center for AIDS

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